Wright offers workshops through the Wright Organic Resource Center. Mary's art work can be viewed by appointment in her studio, and is also available for purchase.
by telephone for studio visits and for purchasing art work: 818.591.0218
Saturday, JULY 20th from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
”Art from the Land” Workshop: Watercolor and Mixed Media Art Workshop with Mary Wright.
Artists of all levels are encouraged to bring their beginner's mind to this workshop and experience working and playing with the nature of the land. We will work with the inspiration of nature to source the language of creativity, play and magic.
Please call for questions or to pre-register.
$25 Workshop Fee
Sunday, JULY 21st from 12 Noon to 6:00 PM
Mary Wright's “Art on the Land” Art Show
Don't miss this beautiful event! Mary's watercolor and mixed media artwork are beautiful combinations of color, flow and found natural materials. Various pieces of Mary’s work will be displayed outdoors throughout the Wright's magical 24 acre landscape. Bring a picnic lunch and some friends to enjoy the pond and check out this showing of Mary’s wonderful work with us.

Wright's "Art on the Land Show"
Wright's simple, clear and organic art has always been inspired by nature.
Feathers, shells, trees and mottled rock formations hiding deeper abstract
universes stimulate her work.
Mary was born and reared in Southern California where she received her
teaching degree from UCLA. Following the Korean War, she petitioned
the U.S. Air Force to teach art to the children of American personnel
in Japan. While in Japan, she was also disciplined in Sumie painting
under master Reiko Saito.
In 1960 Mary returned to the U.S. to teach in the Los Angeles School
District. There she met and married architect Eric Lloyd Wright, grandson
of Frank Lloyd Wright, with whom she has two sons.
In addition to teaching art and painting from their mountaintop home
in Malibu, Mary and her family are hosts to many philanthropic, environmental
and social fundraising events.
They have a non-profit organization, Wright Way Organic Resource Center,
that conducts workshops in organic and sustainable building practices
as well as large community gatherings at equinox and solstice. It also
sponsors workshops in organic gardening, art, poetry and music. All
events have scholarships for inner-city youth.
The 1999 and 2002 World Festivals of Sacred Music, inspired by the Dali
Llama, has honored this land with large multicultural music events.
There they celebrated Eric and Mary as 'Local Heroes'.
Weekly Native American sweat lodges and Buddhist practice inform Mary's
work and enrich her Earth connection.
She is a long time environmental activist, five years on the board of
the Ballona Wetlands Land Trust. She's also worked with elementary school
students, creating giant puppets to animate indigenous tales to awaken
the community to protect these disappearing resources.
For seven years Mary has led workshops in poetry and art with the Noetic
Institute. One of her favorite lines from Rilke...
"Earth, is this not what you want...invisibly to become one of us?"
Mary's teaching philosophy is expressed well by one of her inspirational
teachers, Matthew Fox... "The only hope Mother Earth has for survival
is our recovering creativity - which is of course our divine power.
Creativity is so satisfying, so important, not because it produces something
but because the process is cosmological. There's joy and delight in
giving birth." A great influence in her youth was Girl Scouting. Many
two week treks in the wilderness of the Sierra Nevada mountains opened
an essential door. "My work reaches for images that reflect the archtypal
in Nature forms. I like to be still and open my senses to wildness,
places where the human realm has not yet entered. It is here that I
can receive glimpses of who I most truly am."
Of her work, architect Arthur Dyson says: "Her watercolors are a stream
of experience that emphasizes sensitivity to the kind of hidden structures
that rest beneath the distracting glare of ordinary appearance...she
has found a method to bring calm to the surface so that we may look
for the riverbed." (Arthur Dyson, architect, Fresno, CA. Recent Dean
of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture.)
Mary's work is currently showing in Taos at Terrie Bennett Gallery and
Topanga Art Gallery near Malibu, California. There is also an annual
summer showing of work set inventively in the natural setting of her
home; organized around the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water.